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Imaxin|Software and CESGA organise an exploratory session on the Cluster of the Industries of the Tongue of the Country Basco

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Tuesday 23/04/2013 17:00

Translation generated automatically.

The open Day on the experience of Langune, the cluster basco of the Industries of the Tongue that will celebrate says it to it 3 May to the 12:00, in the building CESGA.

This palestra will be given by the professor and researcher in the technologies of the tongue of the group IXA Taldea of the UPV, D. Iñaki Alegria Loinaz.

Galicia eat put you between the hispanofonia and the lusofonia is an ideal place for coordenar efforts between the companies of translation, contents, education and technologies of the tongue, with the purpose to lead this industry in the markets that express in Portuguese and Spanish, markets in big growth.

This day is coorganizada and cofinanciada by the CESGA and imaxin|software.

Langune, the cluster of the industries of the tongue of the Country Basco, was born in January of 2010 result it of the work effected during two years by a group of work set up in February of 2008 inside the platform Gipuzkoa Berritzen-Innobasque, and groups to more than 35 entities of the fields of the translation, contents, education and technologies of the tongue.

His aim is to boost, strengthen and merge the Industries of the Tongue in Basque Country, with the improvement of the competitiveness and visibility of his associated like main aim.

Two are the factors to take into account to the hour to define the linguistic industry:

1. That the management of the language was the object of his activity,

2. That the linguistic management provide opportunities of market

Like consequence of the mobility and the plurilingualism that generates the globalisation, is arising an important economic sector: the linguistic industry. In the Basque Autonomous Community, said sector has a traditional implantation. Our aim is to organise and activate this economic sector-industrial by means of a process of dinamización, to achieve:

  • Critical mass and feasibility in this emergent sector
  • Dinamizar To the tractive agents of the sector and boost the collaboration
  • Attract the others agents that still did not take part in the project, since they can be interested and be important
  • Not wasting efforts and create synergies, for like this develop a sector that was reference in the European industry of the tongue.
  • Direct and execute the challenges and projects identified by the sector
  • Work of coordination between the sector, other sectors and the Administration.